Habit Stacking: Achieving Optimal Health, Efficiently

Habit Stacking: Achieving Optimal Health, Efficiently

February 20, 2025
Anna Simmons
Anna Simmons
Bionic Advisor
Habit Stacking: Achieving Optimal Health, Efficiently

Habit Stacking: Achieving Optimal Health, Efficiently

Looking for a simpler way to build healthy routines? Habit stacking might be the solution you've been searching for. This powerful technique allows you to make meaningful progress toward optimal health without overwhelming your schedule.

What is Habit Stacking?

Habit stacking refers to the practice of combining multiple healthy habits or attaching a new habit to an existing routine. Rather than trying to create entirely new routines, you leverage behaviors already built into your daily life.

As James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, explains:

"The reason habit stacking works so well is that your current habits are already built into your brain. You have patterns and behaviors that have been strengthened over years. By linking your new habits to a cycle that is already built into your brain, you make it more likely that you'll stick to the new behavior."

Hear more from James Clear here: https://jamesclear.com/habit-stacking

Why Habit Stacking Works for Health Goals

Creating sustainable health improvements doesn't require completely overhauling your life. Habit stacking makes your journey to optimal health more progressive and maintainable by:

  • Building on neural pathways already established in your brain
  • Reducing the mental energy needed to adopt new behaviors
  • Creating natural triggers for healthy actions
  • Minimizing the perceived time commitment of new habits

Rather than re-inventing the wheel with an entire new health routine, make your journey to optimal health more sustainable and progressive through habit stacking.

Practical Applications of Health Habit Stacking

So what can this look like?

Let’s say you are interested in setting a more consistent sleep schedule, and would like to engage in morning sunlight exposure, anywhere from 5-20 minutes in the morning, to regulate your sleep-wake cycle. You already have a morning routine that feels busy, and adding into another 5-20 minute habit feels daunting.

To habit stack, you can engage in your morning sunlight exposure while eating your breakfast, journaling, spending time with your kids, or planning your day - or any other behavior that you already incorporate in your routine. Now you have added in a new habit to support your goals, without adding any additional time into your morning routine.

Here are some other quick habit-stacking examples:

  • For mindfulness and mental health: While you sit down for dinner, say one thing you are grateful for. Or during your commute, practice deep breathing exercises.
  • For social interaction and connectedness: While you go on a walk, call a friend or family member.
  • For nutrition consistency: While you cook your Sunday night dinner, chop vegetables and portion out an extra serving into a container for your lunch on Monday.
  • For daily movement: While you work remotely, opt to work at a standing desk and/or walking pad.

By making small, sustainable changes, you can achieve significant health benefits over time.

Ready to create personalized habit stacks that support your health goals? Meet with your Bionic Advisor to discuss your current habits and future objectives. Together, you'll develop effective habit stacks that fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Looking for more personalized health guidance? Bionic Health combines precision medicine with supportive coaching to help you achieve your optimal health. Contact us today to learn more about our approach.

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