Medicine 3.0 - Bionic Health Blog

Healthy Banana Oat Blueberry Muffins: A Perfect Fall Treat

As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisp, baking season is officially here! What better way to kick off the fall than with a batch of healthier blueberry muffins? Perfect for breakfast or a quick snack, these muffins are packed with wholesome ingredients that align with Bionic Health's mission of enabling optimal health for all.

Ingredients (Makes 6 muffins):

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup sprouted rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries

How to Make

  1. Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).
  1. In a blender, combine all ingredients except the blueberries. Blend until smooth.
  1. Gently fold in the frozen blueberries.
  1. Prepare a muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray.
  1. Divide the batter evenly among 6 muffin cups.
  1. Bake for 18 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  1. Allow to cool before enjoying your healthier blueberry muffins!

The Perfect Blend

Our Banana Oat Blueberry Muffins combine the best of nutrition and flavor:

  • Ripe bananas for natural sweetness and moisture
  • Sprouted rolled oats for fiber and sustained energy
  • Greek yogurt for protein and creamy texture
  • Chia seeds for omega-3 fatty acids and additional fiber
  • Frozen blueberries for a burst of antioxidants and vitamin C

Why We Love These Muffins

Nutrient-dense: Each muffin is loaded with fiber, protein, and essential nutrients from ingredients like oats, Greek yogurt, and chia seeds.

Naturally sweetened: Ripe bananas and a touch of honey provide natural sweetness without the need for refined sugars.

Versatile: Enjoy them for breakfast, as a post-workout snack, or a dessert.

Meal prep friendly: Make a batch on Sunday for quick, healthy snacks all week long.

Reaching Your Health Goals

At Bionic Health, we believe that small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements in your overall health. By incorporating nutritious recipes like these Banana Oat Blueberry Muffins into your routine, you're taking a proactive step towards optimal health.

Remember, aiming for a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is key to supporting your body's needs. These muffins offer a delicious way to increase your intake of fiber, vitamins, and minerals while satisfying your sweet tooth every now and then.  

Customization Tips

Want to make these muffins even more aligned with your health goals? Try these variations:

  • Swap the honey for mashed dates for a lower glycemic index option.
  • Add a scoop of your favorite protein powder for an extra protein boost.
  • Experiment with different berries or add nuts for variety in texture and flavor.

By making these simple, health-conscious choices, you're not just baking – you're investing in your long-term wellbeing, one muffin at a time.

Happy baking and here's to your health!

Want to see more?

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Healthy Banana Oat Blueberry Muffins: A Perfect Fall Treat
Nutrition & Exercise
September 11, 2024

Healthy Banana Oat Blueberry Muffins: A Perfect Fall Treat

As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisp, baking season is officially here! What better way to kick off the fall than with a batch of healthier blueberry muffins? Perfect for breakfast or a quick snack, these muffins are packed with wholesome ingredients that align with Bionic Health's mission of enabling optimal health for all.
Anna Simmons
Anna Simmons
Bionic Advisor

Unlocking Your Genetic Potential: The Revolutionary Genetics Module at Bionic Health

In the ever-evolving landscape of personalized healthcare, Bionic Health stands at the forefront with our mission of "Optimal Health for All" - and that includes you. Our groundbreaking Genetics Module is not just another genetic test; it's a comprehensive, science-backed approach to understanding and leveraging your unique genetic blueprint for optimal health. Let's dive into how this cutting-edge module can transform your health journey.

The Genetics Module: A Cornerstone of Personalized Healthcare

At Bionic Health, we understand that your genes are not your destiny, but they are a crucial part of your health story. Our Genetics Module is designed to:

1. Provide actionable insights across multiple health domains
2. Integrate seamlessly with our other health modules
3. Offer ongoing value as new genetic discoveries emerge

What Sets Bionic Health's Genetics Module Apart?

1. Comprehensive Exome Sequencing

While many clinics offer limited genetic testing, we perform full exome sequencing. This means we analyze all known genes in your DNA, providing a comprehensive genetic profile that can be leveraged throughout your health journey.

2. Focus on Clinically Actionable Information

We don't believe in providing genetic information just for the sake of it. Our approach focuses on:

- Pharmacogenomics: Understanding how your body metabolizes different drugs
- Cancer Gene Screening: Identifying potential genetic predispositions to certain cancers
- Neurodegenerative Gene Screening: Assessing risk factors for conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

3. Adherence to Rigorous Scientific Standards

We follow the American College of Medical Genetics guidelines and utilize other reliable databases to ensure the information we provide is scientifically sound and clinically relevant.

4. Integration Across Health Modules

Your genetic information doesn't exist in a vacuum. We leverage your genetic data across our other modules, including:

- Metabolic Health Module
- Cardiovascular Module
- Cancer Risk Module

This integrated approach provides a more comprehensive understanding of your health.

What We Don't Do: The Bionic Health Difference

In the world of genetic testing, it's important to know not just what a company does, but also what they don't do. At Bionic Health:

- We don't make dietary recommendations based solely on genetic data, as the science isn't yet robust enough to support this.
- We don't rely on unproven polygenic risk scores.

Our commitment is to provide you with reliable, actionable information, not speculative interpretations.

The Power of Ongoing Genetic Insights

One of the unique aspects of our Genetics Module is its longevity. Once we have your exome data:

- We can reanalyze it as new genetic discoveries emerge
- You can leverage this information throughout your health journey with Bionic Health
- Your genetic profile becomes an invaluable resource for personalized healthcare decisions

Expert Support Every Step of the Way

Understanding genetic information can be complex. That's why we provide:

- Consultations with our expert physicians
- Access to genetic counselors for in-depth discussions of your results
- Ongoing support from your personal health coach and the entire Bionic Health team

Empowerment, Not Determinism

At Bionic Health, we firmly believe that genes are not your destiny. Our Genetics Module is designed to empower you with knowledge, not to limit you with genetic determinism. We focus on how you can:

- Understand your genetic predispositions
- Make informed lifestyle choices
- Work with our team to mitigate genetic risks

Your Genetic Journey Starts Here

Ready to unlock the power of your genes? The Bionic Health Genetics Module offers:

1. Comprehensive exome sequencing
2. Clinically actionable insights
3. Integration with other health modules
4. Ongoing genetic analysis as science evolves
5. Expert support from physicians, genetic counselors, and health coaches

Don't let your genetic potential remain a mystery. Whether you're looking to optimize your health, understand your risk factors, or make more informed healthcare decisions, our Genetics Module can provide the insights you need.

Discover Your Genetic Blueprint Today

Ready to embark on a journey of genetic discovery? Contact Bionic Health today to learn more about our revolutionary Genetics Module. Uncover the secrets hidden in your DNA and use that knowledge to transform your health and wellness.

Your journey to optimal health through genetic understanding starts now. Let's unlock your genetic potential together, one base pair at a time!

The Genetics Module
Bionic Health Modules
September 2, 2024

The Genetics Module

Bionic Health's Genetics Module offers comprehensive exome sequencing, providing actionable insights on drug metabolism, cancer risks, and more. Our expert-guided approach integrates genetic data across health modules for personalized, science-backed healthcare.
Jared Pelo
Jared Pelo
Chief Medical Officer

Plyometric Training: Unlock Your Explosive Power for Optimal Health

Are you looking to take your fitness routine to the next level? Plyometric training might be just what you need. This powerful form of exercise can help you build explosive strength, improve your athletic performance, and even reduce your risk of injury. Let's dive into the world of plyometrics and discover how it can help you achieve optimal health.

What is Plyometric Training?

Plyometrics, often called "plyos" for short, are exercises that involve rapid muscle lengthening followed by an explosive contraction. This sequence, known as the stretch-shortening cycle, is the secret behind the power-boosting effects of plyometric training.

The Benefits of Plyometrics

  1. Increased power output
  1. Improved athletic performance
  1. Enhanced injury prevention
  1. Better coordination and balance
  1. Improved force absorption  

Getting Started with Plyometrics

Before you jump into plyometric training (pun intended!), it's important to approach it with care. Here are some guidelines to help you get started safely:

Start Slow and Progress Gradually

For beginners, start with two sessions per week and gradually increase as your body adapts. Aim for:

  • 1-3 sets per exercise
  • 3-6 repetitions per set
  • 1-5 minutes of rest between sets (based on intensity)

Focus on Proper Form

Good landing mechanics are crucial in plyometric training. Always land with your knees over your toes and in a quarter squat position to absorb impact safely.

Types of Plyometric Exercises

Plyometric exercises can be categorized based on their impact and difficulty level. Here's a progression from low to high intensity:

  • Jumps: Start and land on both legs
  • Bounds: Start on one leg and end on the other
  • Hops: Start and land on the same leg

Progressing Your Plyometric Training

To help you understand the progression of plyometric exercises, here's a breakdown of different movements from low to high intensity:

  • Depth Drop: This focuses on landing mechanics and involves high eccentric loading. Start by stepping off a box and landing in a proper position. A lower box height is less intense than a higher one, so always begin with a low to moderate height.
  • Non-countermovement (NCM): Begin in a quarter squat position, then jump without any preliminary downward movement. This isolates the concentric phase of the movement.
  • Countermovement (CM): Start from a standing position, quickly dip into a quarter squat, then explosively jump. This utilizes the stretch-shortening cycle for more power.
  • Box Jumps: Jump onto a raised platform or box. Lower boxes are easier and less intense than higher ones.
  • Directional Jumps: These include jumping horizontally, laterally, or with rotation. They add complexity and challenge your coordination and stability.  
  • Obstacle Jumps: Jumping over hurdles or other obstacles increases the challenge and power requirement. Start with an imaginary line and work your way up to higher obstacles.
  • Continuous Jumps: Perform multiple jumps in succession without pauses between repetitions. This tests your endurance and power output over time.
  • Depth Jump: This is a more advanced version of the depth drop. Step off a box, land briefly, and immediately explode into a vertical jump. This exercise combines the high eccentric loading of the depth drop with the explosive concentric action of a jump, making it a highly effective power-building exercise and very intense.  

Sample Plyometric Workout

Ready to give plyometrics a try? Here's a beginner-friendly workout to get you started:

  • Non-countermovement Vertical Jump  
  • 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Focus: Jump as high as you can with good landing mechanics
  • Non-countermovement Vertical Bound  
  • 3 sets of 5 reps each leg
  • Focus: Jump high off one leg and land on the other
  • Countermovement Lateral Jump over a Line  
  • 3 sets of 5 reps each direction
  • Focus: Jump over an imaginary line sideways

Remember to warm up thoroughly before attempting these exercises and listen to your body throughout the workout. These would be great to perform before the rest of your weight training or endurance session.

Safety First

While plyometric training can be incredibly beneficial, it's important to approach it with caution:

  1. Always prioritize proper form over height or distance
  1. Ensure you have a solid strength base before beginning plyometrics
  1. Use appropriate surfaces for jumping (avoid concrete) and wear shoes
  1. Progress slowly to avoid overuse injuries
  1. Be aware of increased DOMS potential: Plyometric exercises, especially those with significant eccentric loading like depth drops and depth jumps, can lead to more intense Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Start with low volume and intensity, and gradually increase to allow your body to adapt.


Plyometric training offers a unique and effective way to enhance your overall fitness and athletic performance. By incorporating these explosive movements into your routine, you'll be well on your way to achieving optimal health and unlocking your body's true potential.

Remember, at Bionic Health, we're committed to helping you reach your fitness goals safely and effectively. Give plyometrics a try and experience the power of this dynamic training method!

Plyometric Training: Unlock Your Explosive Power for Optimal Health
Nutrition & Exercise
August 30, 2024

Plyometric Training: Unlock Your Explosive Power for Optimal Health

Are you looking to take your fitness routine to the next level? Plyometric training might be just what you need. This powerful form of exercise can help you build explosive strength, improve your athletic performance, and even reduce your risk of injury. Let's dive into the world of plyometrics and discover how it can help you achieve optimal health.
Kelly Joniak
Kelly Joniak
Bionic Advisor

Revolutionizing Cancer Prevention: Bionic Health's Comprehensive Cancer Risk and Screening Module

At Bionic Health, our mission is "Optimal Health for All" - and that includes you. One of the major health concerns in the United States is cancer, which is why we've developed our cutting-edge Cancer Risk and Screening Assessment Module. This innovative approach aims to help you understand your cancer risk and determine the optimal screening strategy tailored to your unique needs.

Understanding Your Cancer Risk

Our comprehensive module takes into account several factors to assess your cancer risk:

1. Personal medical history
2. Family history
3. Genetic predisposition
4. Lifestyle factors

By analyzing these elements, we create a personalized risk profile that forms the foundation of your cancer prevention strategy.

Cutting-Edge Screening Options

Depending on your risk factors and personal preferences, we offer a range of advanced screening options:

1. Liquid Biopsy Tests

For those who can afford it, we recommend state-of-the-art tests like the Grail Galleri test. These innovative liquid biopsies can detect pieces of cancer DNA in your blood, potentially identifying cancer at its earliest stages.

2. Full Body MRI

Another advanced option is a full body MRI, which can provide a comprehensive view of your entire body, potentially catching cancers that might be missed by other screening methods.

3. Colonoscopy and FIT Tests

For colorectal cancer screening, we recommend frequent colonoscopies when covered by insurance or affordable. As an alternative, we suggest yearly Fecal Immunochemical Tests (FIT) to detect blood in the stool, an early sign of colorectal cancer.

4. At-Home Cervical Cancer Screening

For women who require cervical cancer screening, we offer the convenience of at-home testing. The Atome cervical cancer screening test can be done yearly, replacing the need for traditional Pap smears in many cases.

Personalized Screening Plans

We understand that everyone's situation is unique. That's why we work with you to create a personalized screening plan that considers:

- Your individual risk factors
- Your budget and insurance coverage
- Your preferences and comfort level with different screening methods

The Importance of Early Detection

Early detection is critical – If you catch a stage one or two cancer, it's almost 100% curable. If you catch it later, it is not as curable. We are committed to helping you detect cancer as early as possible.

A Personal Mission

For me, this module is more than just a medical service - it's a personal mission. Having lost loved ones to cancer and witnessed the hardships it causes, I'm passionate about preventing others from experiencing the same pain.

Join Us in the Fight Against Cancer

At Bionic Health, we're committed to working together - physicians, advisors, and our entire team - to help you prevent cancer or catch it at its earliest, most treatable stages.

Don't wait to take control of your health. Contact Bionic Health today to learn more about our Cancer Risk and Screening Assessment Module. Together, we can work towards a future free from the fear of cancer.

The Cancer Risk Module
Bionic Health Modules
August 26, 2024

The Cancer Risk Module

Bionic Health's Cancer Risk Module offers personalized risk assessment and advanced screening options, including liquid biopsies and at-home tests, for early cancer detection.
Jared Pelo
Jared Pelo
Chief Medical Officer

Listen to this episode on your preferred platform: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | YouTube Music

Medicine 3.0 | Ep 12 | Transforming Medicine with AI: A Conversation with Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD

In a recent episode of Medicine 3.0, Dr. Jared Pelo sat down with Dr. Isaac Kohane, the head of biomedical informatics at Harvard and editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine AI. Their conversation explored the current state and future potential of AI in healthcare, offering valuable insights for both patients and healthcare providers.


The Evolution of AI in Medicine

Dr. Kohane outlined the progression of AI in medicine, from rule-based systems in the 1980s to today's sophisticated language models. He highlighted a key turning point in 2017 with the introduction of the Transformer architecture. This innovation paved the way for more advanced AI systems, capable of understanding and generating human-like text. These developments have significantly expanded the potential applications of AI in healthcare, from analyzing medical literature to assisting with patient communication.


Current Applications of AI in Healthcare

  1. Administrative Tasks: Many healthcare systems are using AI for tasks like creating discharge summaries and reports for referring doctors.
  1. Revenue Cycle Management: AI is being employed to optimize coding and maximize reimbursement.
  1. Patient-Driven Research: Patients are using AI to analyze their medical records and lab reports, sometimes leading to new insights or second opinions.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Privacy and HIPAA Compliance: Dr. Kohane emphasized the importance of using HIPAA-compliant AI tools when dealing with patient data.
  1. Integration with Existing Workflows: For AI to be truly useful, it needs to seamlessly integrate into doctors' existing workflows.
  1. Liability Concerns: The medical-legal implications of AI use in healthcare are still being worked out.
  1. Critical Thinking: Healthcare providers need to maintain a critical eye when using AI, much like they would with advice from a junior colleague.

The Future of AI in Medicine

Dr. Kohane believes that AI has the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes and reduce medical errors. However, he stresses the need for prospective studies to truly evaluate the impact of AI on clinical practice.

Advice for Patients and Doctors

  • For Patients: Don't hesitate to use AI as a "second opinion" tool. It can help you prepare questions for your doctor or understand your medical records better.
  • For Doctors: Stay informed about AI developments but maintain a critical perspective. Use AI tools that are validated and integrated into your workflow.

The Role of Medical Journals

As editor-in-chief of NEJM AI, Dr. Caine is pushing for more prospective studies and real-world case studies of AI applications in medicine. He believes this approach will help bridge the gap between theoretical potential and practical implementation.


The rapid advancement of AI in medicine presents both exciting opportunities and significant challenges. As Dr. Caine's insights reveal, navigating this new landscape will require ongoing collaboration between technologists, healthcare providers, and patients. Stay tuned to Medicine 3.0 for more cutting-edge discussions on the future of healthcare.

Listen to some of the key moments in this week's episode:

0:39: Dr. Isaac Kohane’s background and journey

4:38: Diagnosing rare diseases  

9:25: Shortcomings of today’s healthcare and the use of AI  

11:25: What is the AI system and what are the different AI systems?  

15:31: HIPPA and AI for patients and doctors  

20:50: Should patients and doctors use AI?

24:16: Combining AI in the healthcare system

26:46: Navigating AI as a doctor: key components to effective use  

30:12: Human vs AI errors

34:28: Exploring research on AI  

41:04: AI and patient success story

Medicine 3.0 | Ep 12 | Transforming Medicine with AI: A Conversation with Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD
Medicine 3.0
August 26, 2024

Medicine 3.0 | Ep 12 | Transforming Medicine with AI: A Conversation with Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD

In a recent episode of Medicine 3.0, Dr. Jared Pelo sat down with Dr. Isaac Kohane, the head of biomedical informatics at Harvard and editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine AI. Their conversation explored the current state and future potential of AI in healthcare, offering valuable insights for both patients and healthcare providers.
Bionic Health
Bionic Health

Customizable Taco Bowls

Your weekday lunches just got a whole lot more exciting! These taco bowls are perfect for meal prep, making it easy to have nutritious, flavorful options ready for your busy week. With a customizable base, protein, and toppings, you've got endless possibilities to keep things interesting and delicious.


  • 4 cups spinach
  • 1 lb grass-fed ground beef
  • Siete Foods taco seasoning
  • 2 cups roasted sweet potatoes
  • 2 cups sautéed peppers and onions
  • 1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 avocado, sliced

How to Make

  1. Cook your protein with chosen seasoning blend. For example, season fresh ground beef with a Siete Foods taco seasoning blend, and heat in a pan on medium heat until fully cooked.
  1. Roast sweet potatoes at 450 with a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper.
  1. Sauté peppers and onions with a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper.
  1. Divide spinach among 4 meal prep containers.
  1. Top with cooked protein, roasted veggies, drained and washed black beans, and other prepared toppings.
  1. Store sliced avocado separately and add just before eating.

The Perfect Blend

This taco bowl recipe brings together a rainbow of flavors and textures. The spinach base provides a nutrient-rich foundation, while the seasoned grass-fed beef adds a protein punch. Roasted sweet potatoes offer complex carbs and a touch of sweetness, balanced by the savory sautéed peppers and onions. Black beans boost the fiber and protein content, while avocado adds healthy fats for a truly satisfying meal.

Why We Love These Taco Bowls

Nutrient-dense: Each bowl includes greens, protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Customizable: Mix and match bases, proteins, and toppings to suit your taste and nutritional needs.

Versatile: Great for lunch or dinner, hot or cold!

Meal prep friendly: Prepare components in advance for quick assembly throughout the week.

Reaching Your Health Goals

Incorporating these taco bowls into your meal rotation is a great way to ensure you're getting a balance of nutrients in every meal. The combination of protein, fiber, and healthy fats helps keep you satisfied, maintains steady energy levels, and supports your overall health goals.

Customization Tips

Feel free to switch things up! Try these variations:

  • Bases: Swap spinach for iceberg lettuce, brown rice, or quinoa.
  • Proteins: Try ground turkey, shredded chicken, or grilled steak.
  • Extra toppings: Add salsa, shredded cheese, plain Greek yogurt (as a sour cream alternative), corn, diced tomatoes, or a squeeze of lime.

Remember, the key to sustainable healthy eating is finding nutritious options you truly enjoy. So don't be afraid to experiment and make these taco bowls your own!

Ready to give it a try? We'd love to hear about your taco bowl creations! Share your favorite combinations and let us know how this meal prep idea is helping you stay on track with your health goals. At Bionic Health, we're here to support you in your journey towards optimal health, one delicious meal at a time.

Want to see more?

Follow us here: Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook

Customizable Taco Bowls
Nutrition & Exercise
August 23, 2024

Customizable Taco Bowls

Your weekday lunches just got a whole lot more exciting! These taco bowls are perfect for meal prep, making it easy to have nutritious, flavorful options ready for your busy week. With a customizable base, protein, and toppings, you've got endless possibilities to keep things interesting and delicious.
Anna Simmons
Anna Simmons
Bionic Advisor

Is High Intensity Interval Training the Ultimate Workout for Optimal Health?

Are you looking for a way to maximize your workout efficiency? Look no further than High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This powerful exercise method has taken the fitness world by storm, and for good reason. Let's dive into what HIIT is all about and how you can incorporate it into your fitness routine.

What is HIIT?

High Intensity Interval Training is a form of cardiovascular exercise that alternates between intense bursts (>90% maximum heart rate) of activity and periods of lower-intensity exercise or rest. This approach to working out offers metabolic and cardiovascular benefits in a shorter amount of time compared to traditional endurance training.

The Secret Weapon Against Belly Fat

One of the most exciting benefits of HIIT is its ability to target visceral adipose tissue, which is the fat tissue surrounding your organs. This makes HIIT an excellent choice for those looking to improve their overall health and body composition.

Building Your HIIT Workout

Creating an effective HIIT workout is easier than you might think. Here's how to get started:

Step 1: Choose Your Exercises

Select exercises from a variety of options that target different muscle groups. Some popular choices include:

  • Sprints- swimming, biking, running, rowing  
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Push-ups
  • Mountain climbers
  • Burpees

Step 2: Pick a Format

HIIT workouts can be structured in several ways:

  1. Circuit Style
  1. Interval Style (1 minute on 1 minute off; 2 minutes on 1 minute off, etc)
  1. Pyramid (increasing work periods with decreasing rest)
  1. Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM)
  1. As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP)

Sample HIIT Workout: 20-Minute Full Body EMOM

Here's a quick and effective HIIT workout you can try at home:

Set a timer for 20 minutes and perform the following exercises for 45 seconds each minute, resting for the remaining 15 seconds:

  1. Bodyweight Squats
  1. Push-Ups
  1. Alternating Reverse Lunges
  1. Burpees

Repeat this circuit 3-5 times.

The Benefits of HIIT

HIIT offers numerous advantages over traditional cardio workouts:

  1. Time-efficient
  1. Boosts metabolism
  1. Improves cardiovascular health
  1. Builds lean muscle
  1. Equipment optional  

Getting Started with HIIT

Before jumping into a HIIT routine, consider the following tips:

  1. Start slowly and gradually increase intensity
  1. Focus on proper form to prevent injury
  1. Listen to your body and rest when needed
  1. Stay hydrated


High Intensity Interval Training is a powerful tool for achieving optimal health. By incorporating HIIT into your fitness routine, you'll be well on your way to changing your body composition, improving cardiovascular health, and reaching your fitness goals. Remember, at Bionic Health, we're committed to helping you achieve "Optimal Health for All." Give HIIT a try and and share your experience with us!

Is High Intensity Interval Training the Ultimate Workout for Optimal Health?
Nutrition & Exercise
August 20, 2024

Is High Intensity Interval Training the Ultimate Workout for Optimal Health?

Are you looking for a way to maximize your workout efficiency? Look no further than High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This powerful exercise method has taken the fitness world by storm, and for good reason. Let's dive into what HIIT is all about and how you can incorporate it into your fitness routine.
Kelly Joniak
Kelly Joniak
Bionic Advisor

Revolutionizing Brain Health: The Cutting-Edge Cognitive Module at Bionic Health

At Bionic Health, our mission is "Optimal Health for All" - and that includes you. Our groundbreaking Cognitive Health Module represents the pinnacle of neuroscience and preventative healthcare, designed to keep your mind as sharp as your body. Let's explore how this innovative module can transform your cognitive wellness journey.

The Cognitive Health Module: Where Science Meets Prevention

In the realm of brain health, prevention is key. Our Cognitive Health Module is meticulously crafted to:

1. Assess your current cognitive function
2. Identify potential risk factors for cognitive decline
3. Implement cutting-edge strategies for brain health optimization

What Sets Bionic Health's Cognitive Module Apart?

1. Comprehensive Cognitive Assessment

We go beyond standard memory tests. Our module includes:

- Online Cognitive Testing: A sophisticated battery of tests to evaluate various aspects of your cognitive function
- Advanced Blood Biomarker Analysis: Cutting-edge tests for amyloid and tau proteins, as well as neurofilament light chain proteins - early indicators of potential cognitive issues

2. Collaboration with Leading Neurologists

We've partnered with top neurologists to ensure our module reflects the latest in neuroscience research and clinical practice.

3. Holistic Approach to Brain Health

We understand that cognitive health isn't isolated. Our approach integrates:

- Metabolic Health Optimization: Ensuring your body's systems support your brain function
- Nutrient Balance: Focusing on crucial elements like Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids
- Exercise Protocols: Including high-intensity (Zone 5) exercises to boost Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

The Science Behind Our Approach

Biomarker Analysis: The Future of Cognitive Health Screening

Our module leverages the latest advancements in biomarker testing:

- Amyloid and Tau Proteins: Key indicators associated with Alzheimer's disease
- Neurofilament Light Chain Proteins: A marker of neuronal damage

These tests, recently made available through Lab Core, allow for early detection of potential cognitive issues, enabling proactive intervention.

Metabolic Health: The Brain-Body Connection

We focus on optimizing your overall metabolic health, recognizing its crucial role in cognitive function:

- Lipid Profile Optimization: Ensuring healthy cholesterol levels for brain health
- Nutrient Balance: Tailoring your diet to support cognitive function
- Exercise Protocols: Designed to boost BDNF, a protein crucial for brain plasticity and memory

Staying at the Forefront of Neuroscience

The field of cognitive health is rapidly evolving, and so are we. Our commitment includes:

- Continuous collaboration with leading scientists
- Regular updates to our protocols based on the latest research
- A focus on emerging areas in dementia and neurocognitive decline prevention

Your Cognitive Wellness Journey Starts Here

At Bionic Health, we're excited to guide you on your journey to optimal cognitive health. Our Cognitive Health Module offers:

1. Comprehensive cognitive function assessment
2. Advanced biomarker testing for early detection
3. Personalized brain health optimization strategies
4. Integration with overall metabolic and physical health
5. Ongoing updates based on cutting-edge neuroscience research

Invest in Your Cognitive Future Today

Ready to take a proactive step towards lifelong cognitive wellness? Contact Bionic Health today to learn more about our revolutionary Cognitive Health Module. Discover how you can optimize your brain health and potentially reduce your risk of cognitive decline.

Your journey to peak cognitive performance starts now. Let's unlock your brain's full potential together, leveraging the power of cutting-edge neuroscience and personalized healthcare!

The Cognitive Health Module
Bionic Health Modules
August 19, 2024

The Cognitive Health Module

Bionic Health's Cognitive Module offers comprehensive brain health assessment, including advanced biomarker testing and personalized optimization strategies. Our holistic approach integrates cutting-edge neuroscience with metabolic health for proactive cognitive wellness.
Jared Pelo
Jared Pelo
Chief Medical Officer

Listen to this episode on your preferred platform: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | YouTube Music

Hydration Secrets: Unlocking Peak Performance with Colette Vartanian

In the latest episode of Medicine 3.0, Dr. Jared Pelo sits down with Colette Vartanian, a registered dietitian with a specialty in hydration. This enlightening conversation dives deep into the often-overlooked world of hydration and its crucial role in our overall health and performance.

The Hydration Expert's Journey

Colette's path to becoming a hydration specialist is as unique as it is inspiring. From her early days at USC to working with Olympic athletes, her experience spans across various sports and performance levels. Her work with the Seattle Seahawks and her time at a performance center in Indiana have given her invaluable insights into the hydration needs of diverse athletes.

Understanding Your Sweat

One of the key takeaways from the episode is the importance of understanding your personal sweat profile. Colette breaks down the two crucial components:

  1. Sweat Volume: How much fluid you lose during activity.
  2. Sweat Composition: The concentration of electrolytes, particularly sodium, in your sweat.

Knowing these factors can help you tailor your hydration strategy to your unique needs.

Debunking Hydration Myths

Colette tackles some common misconceptions about hydration:

  • "Everyone is chronically dehydrated": While it's true that many people could benefit from better hydration, our bodies are generally good at signaling thirst when we need to drink.
  • "More water is always better": Overconsumption of plain water without electrolytes can lead to a dangerous condition called hyponatremia.
  • "You need sports drinks for every workout": For exercises under an hour, water is usually sufficient unless you're in extreme conditions or are a heavy sweater.

Personalized Hydration Strategies

The podcast emphasizes that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to hydration. Factors like exercise intensity, duration, environmental conditions, and individual sweat rates all play a role. Colette provides practical tips for developing a personalized hydration plan:

  1. Conduct a simple sweat test to determine your sweat rate.
  2. Consider professional sweat composition testing for more precise data.
  3. Choose hydration products based on your needs and preferences, including taste.
  4. Adjust your strategy based on the duration and intensity of your activity.

Beyond Sports: Everyday Hydration

While much of the discussion focuses on athletes, the principles apply to everyone. Proper hydration is crucial for daily cognitive function, energy levels, and overall health. Colette suggests being mindful of your fluid intake throughout the day and listening to your body's signals.

The Future of Hydration Science

As our understanding of hydration evolves, new technologies are emerging to help individuals track and optimize their hydration status. From wearable devices to mail-in sweat tests, these innovations are making personalized hydration more accessible than ever.

At Bionic Health, we're committed to helping you achieve optimal health through personalized, science-backed approaches. This episode of Medicine 3.0 reinforces our belief in the power of understanding your unique body and tailoring your health strategies accordingly.

Remember, whether you're an elite athlete or someone looking to improve your daily well-being, proper hydration is a cornerstone of good health. By applying the insights from Colette Vartanian, you can take a significant step towards optimizing your performance and overall health.

Stay tuned for more episodes of Medicine 3.0, where we continue to explore cutting-edge topics in health and wellness with leading experts in the field.

Listen to some of the key moments in this week's episode:

  • 2:55: Colette's background and journey to becoming a hydration specialist
  • 5:50: The two components of sweat: volume and composition
  • 11:35: Different methods for testing sweat sodium concentration
  • 18:45: Importance of sodium in hydration during exercise
  • 22:15: Guidelines for replacing fluid and electrolytes during activity
  • 27:50: Discussion on coconut water and other electrolyte beverages
  • 31:20: Example of hydration strategy for a long race
  • 34:40: Debunking the myth of chronic dehydration
  • 37:55: Dangers of overhydration and hyponatremia
  • 41:10: When electrolyte drinks are necessary vs. when water is sufficient

Watch the full episode here

Medicine 3.0 | Ep 11 | Hydration Secrets: Unlocking Peak Performance with Colette Vartanian
Medicine 3.0
August 19, 2024

Medicine 3.0 | Ep 11 | Hydration Secrets: Unlocking Peak Performance with Colette Vartanian

Dive into the often-misunderstood world of hydration with Dr. Jared Pelo and special guest Colette Vartanian, a registered dietitian and hydration specialist. Whether you're an elite athlete or simply looking to optimize your daily health, Colette's insights will transform how you think about hydration. Learn why proper hydration is about more than just drinking water and how it can impact everything from your workout performance to your cognitive function.
James Coppock, PhD
James Coppock, PhD
Data Scientist
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